Chandran Nair: Asia’s Superman

Chandran Nair: Asia’s Superman

A fierce critic of the Western model of consumption-led growth, Chandran Nair is the Founder and CEO of the Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT), an independent pan-Asian think tank.

He wants Asians to have a deeper understanding of global issues, including the shift of economic and political influence from the West to Asia. This is the ASIAN century after all!

And so, he feels that Malaysians and all Asians generally need to better understand the dynamic relationship between business and society and the need to reshape the rules of global capitalism so that they better reflect Asia-specific needs and limitations.

Oh. He also thinks that the Internet is probably the world’s worst invention..

That Asia is asleep at the wheel where freedom, leadership, development, prosperity, economics, democracy are concerned..

And that our attempts to ape the West in or quest to grow could well result in disaster.

Khoo Hsu Chuang

Khoo Hsu Chuang

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